Painted Dance Collective
A non competitive studio space providing training opportunities for artistic and personal growth in Unama’ki/Cape Breton, NS.
Where do we go from here?
Community Project
Over the last two years we have been asking this question. Whether or not we ever had the answer didn’t change the fact that we did have to keep going. Keep making new decisions. Keep moving forward. We had to find a way to re-imagine and re-emerge after it felt like the world stopped. Within that was (still is) incredible struggle and loss. So how do we find the endurance to keep going? How do we grow around our grief?
This piece explores how collective awareness is fundamental to self awareness, using choreography that inspires individual decision-making within the group of dancers to create a visual for the idea. The ways in which we experience our surroundings, happenings, and communities, will affect how we individuate; in our identity, emotions, and choices. These experiences will activate us, challenge us, change us. Some of us will get lost, some of us won’t make it. The only thing for sure is that we go through it together.
Length of piece: ~20 minutes, Runs 6x every 40 minutes
Performance Times: 7:05pm 7:45pm 8:25pm 9:05pm 9:45pm 10:25pm
Join us in between sets for an all night dance party!