QWERTY: A Love Letter to Typing (Dana Mount)

Sept 23

Dana Mount

Dana Mount is an Associate Professor at Cape Breton University where she teaches English and Environmental Studies. She is currently working on a novel about the world of animal research. She loves books, walks, and her two kids. She enjoys typing and her favourite word to type is ‘power’ because it runs along the top of the keyboard in a very satisfying manner.

QWERTY: A Love Letter to Typing

Artist Project

Type a message and watch it appear, not as words, but as pops of colour. Dana Mount’s ‘Love Letter to Typing’ asks us to think about the physical act of pressing the keystrokes. In our effort to write, our fingers tap-tap along the keyboard in comforting, busy ways, creating little habits and tactile moments that we shouldn’t take for granted, and sometimes even little mistakes that we need to correct.

What’s your favourite word to type?

Land Acknowledgement

With construction still underway in Downtown Sydney, the festival will be hosted at Eltuek Arts Centre for this year. In line with Eltuek Arts Centre's land acknowledgment, we recognize that this festival occurs on the traditional and unceded ancestral territories of the Mi'kma'ki people.

Eymu'ti'k Unama'ki, newte'jk l'uiknek te'sikl Mi'kmawe'l maqamikal mna'q iknmuetumitl. Ula maqamikew wiaqwikasik Wantaqo'tie'l aqq I'lamatultimkewe'l Ankukamkewe'l Mi'kmaq aqq Eleke'wuti kisa'matultisnik 1726ek.

Eltuek Arts Centre is in Unama'ki, one of the seven traditional and unceded ancestral districts of the people of Mi'kma'ki. This territory is covered by the Treaties of Peace and Friendship which the Mi'kmaq first signed with the British Crown in 1726.

Ketu'-keknuite'tmek aqq kepmite'tmek ula tela'maiultimkip wjit maqamikew ta'n etekl mtmo'taqney. Ula tett, ula maqamikek, etl-lukutiek l'tunen aqq apoqntmnen apoqnmasimk aqq weliknamk Unama'ki.

We wish to recognize and honour this understanding of the lands on which we reside. It is from here, on these lands, that we work to create and support a culture of self-reliance and vibrancy on Unama'ki (Cape Breton Island).